February 2021, #feelthelove #showtheloveπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

Welcome everyone to February, the shortest month of the year! The month of Valentine, the month of Love!

I don’t know if you have noticed, but there always seems to be a lot of talk about love at this time of year, especially if you are, or have been a member of any W.I. for the last couple years, as February has now become synonymous with the #ShowTheLove campaign.

#ShowTheLove (just in case you are new to the WI or have been living under a rock for a while) is an opportunity to show our commitment to tackling climate change and more importantly (I believe) to each other. To each other as members, to each other as a community and to everything we care about and want to protect from climate change.

This past year has been unprecedented. The impacts of the pandemic has touched us all and made us value what we love more than ever. And although this year has been CRAZY different (we usually get together to make brooches, send green hearts and postcards etc) you can still show the love from the comfort of your armchair, kitchen table or even bed.. sorry I meant Home Office! For more ideas on how you can #showthelove, head over to https://www.theclimatecoalition.org/show-the-love

Self Care

As well as caring for the environment this month, we (LMJ) are focusing on Self Care.  By now everyone should have received their February Self Care calendar, designed by Becki, with the most recent newsletter.  Its packed with lots of (well 28 in fact) Self Care ideas to get us through another month in lockdown.

Here are some simple self care suggestions, we can do, that doesn’t take up quite as much time as it takes to light candles, run a bath and to stew in gold leaf hand painted rose petals and argon oil!Β 

Because, lets face it, quite literally, we just don’t always have the time!

  1. Calm Your Mind!

When was the last time you took time out to do absolutely nothing – and DIDN’T FEEL GUILTY about it because you feel you wasted that time? You really don’t have to β€œOMMM” meditate for hours to discover inner peace! Take just a few moments, every day, to calm your mind. Morning, noon or night, or several times a day, it really doesn’t matter how often or for how long. Breathe in deeply, then all the way out several times, clear your mind of your thoughts and just ‘be‘ for a precious few moments.

  1. Be mindful

Be mindful of what you think, feel and want. Grab a cup of tea, coffee, wine or Gin and sit down for a few minutes on your own. No TV, phone or distractions. Think about the wonderful things that are happening in your life right now, what your big dreams are for the future and how you can make them happen, giving you something to look forward to.

  1. Try to find something to be grateful for every day. 

We know and you know we are allΒ going have down days. It’s especially important on these days to find at least one thing you are grateful for. This helps to shift your mindset from what’s going on.

  1. Celebrate your wins no matter how big or small. 

Do pat yourself on the back and be proud of what you have achieved today. Did you make it into work after an anxiety fuelled, restless night? Washed your face and changed out of your joggers or Pj’s despite not seeing any other human being today? Cooked a fabulously nourishing meal for one or the whole family?Β Well done you. You are freaking AWESOME!

  1. Realise there is only one you. 

You are unique, please stop comparing yourself to others! You know what I mean, the perfect Insta mums, the photo-shopped fashion models in magazines (we all know they don’t really look like that) And the neighbor who does the shopping for all the β€˜self-isolators’ on the block, while managing to scrape a polished look together, set up zoom bingo, and all the while home schooling AND working from home!Β  – Sorry do I sound bitter? I don’t mean to be but that’s what I’m talking about. It is really important to realise is, we are ALL facing our own personal unique set of lock down challenges and that it’s Ok to be tired sometimes, sad or both.Β Embrace and love the things that make YOU different. This is what makes you special. Self Care is ever evolving. It’s something that needs to be practiced DAILY but can take a lifetime to master. So be patient and support yourself through the hard times.

January’s meeting – Sex, Secrets, Scandal and Salacious Gossip of the Royal Court 1660 to 1830′

Sex, Secrets, Scandal and Salacious Gossip of the Royal Court 1660 to 1830′

Who caught the fabulous talk by Sarah Slater, Guide Lecturer at Hampton Court Palace, at last months LMJ? Wasn’t it Amazing! So funny and revealing – And that costume, stunning, all hand made by Sarah herself. She explained how royal mistresses prevented unwanted pregnancies, sexual diseases were avoided, prostitution and toys… If you weren’t able to catch it (you missed out) but would like to find out more about Sarah and what she does, visit her Facebook page:Β https://m.facebook.com/sarahslaterhamptoncourttourguide

New Look Jam!

You may have noticed some cheeky new Images popping up on the LMJ Private Facebook account recently? This is thanks to the talents of our Fabulous Secretary Carly Twigg. Keep your eyes open for them on social media and give them a like. Thank you Carly

February’s Meeting 12th Painting With Love!

The talented and dare I say Midlands Today & WI Life famous Lynn Barrow will be holding a Valentines Day themed paint a long work shop with us. If you are planning to paint along with us on the night (Friday, 12th) here is list of materials required to take part.

*Good quality Paper 

*Watercolour Paints 

*A round-headed Paint Brush 


*Black-fine Liner Pen 

*Pot of clean water 

*Piece of kitchen towel 

… and et voila!

Lynn Says “Please don’t feel that you have to head out and purchase Watercolour Paints, because the design works just as well using Child’s Poster Paints or Coloured Pencils”.

However, If you do want to get your hands on a set of water colour paints, beginner sets are available Amazon from approximately Β£4.99 – Β£9.99 + p&p or free next day delivery with Amazon Prime. (Incidentally Amazon or offering One months free trial on Amazon Prime including free p&p, films, box sets, books (both e-books and audio) and music. However, you must remember to cancel your subscription before the end of the months trial if you are not considering keeping the service)

Other goings on

Show the love Happy Post is also running through the begining of February and if you have registered you should have already been notified who your post buddy is. However, if you haven’t been notified yet, please contact a member of the committee. If you have your post buddy but haven’t yet sent your post, please try to make sure it reaches your buddy by the next meeting on the 12th.

NFWI New Competition

The Lady Denman Cup Competition 2021: β€œLet me show you what a woman can do!”

The NFWI is pleased to announce that the annual creative writing competition will be held in partnership with the National Gallery for 2021. Using no more than 500 words, WI members are invited to submit a piece of writing, fact or fiction, in any style (story, poem etc.) based on this painting by Artemisia Gentileschi. Find out more details, and download the schedule and entry form on My WI: https://mywi.thewi.org.uk/…/lady-denman-cup-competition Entries must be received by no later than Friday 30th July 2021

Image credit: Artemisia Gentileschi, Self Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria, about 1615 – 17 National Gallery

February 12th – Paint A Long with the Quirky Bird & deadline for the Show the Love Elfster

February 14th – St Valentines Day

February 15th – Jamanory Book Hub

February 25th – Closing date for the Rosemary Palmer Trophy A Ladies Crocheted Shawl & #showthelove Poetry Sessions. An opportunity to share your favourite poems reflecting views on climate change. 2pm & 7.30 pm – Yeah coz I can think of so many right now!

February 24th – Craft masterclass With Jenny – Beaded wrap bracelet

March 4th – Jammy Hookers & World Book Day

March 8th – International Women’s Day

March 12th – Flower Power, An Eco Themed Talk.

It just leaves me to say, we hope you have a fabulous week and we very much look forward to seeing you all on Friday 12th for the Paint a long.

Remember Self Care is important so until next time

Be Jammy

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